Specialist Stroke Rehab gets 90 year old Teresa Home

Specialist stroke rehab

In March 2020, Teresa found herself unable to get out of bed. Her daughter Susan called an ambulance which took her to the acute care where she presented with dizziness, nausea and ataxia. The independent 90-year-old had experienced a right lateral medullary stroke.

Teresa was later referred to MetroRehab Hospital where she remained for three months as an inpatient receiving a personalised rehabilitation program. Teresa later continued her rehab in the MetroRehab day program.

MetroRehab Hospital provides expert neurological-specific rehabilitation, and the trained team of health professionals work under the direct supervision of leading rehabilitation specialists to assist patients in their recovery and rehabilitation journey.

The stroke has caused Teresa’s balance to be severely affected and she could no longer walk without assistance nor could she manage her daily activities. She also had trouble talking and swallowing and experienced constant dizziness. The MetroRehab team took their time with Teresa to understand her goals. For this energetic green-thumb and cooking connoisseur, that meant being back at home in her beloved garden and kitchen.

Teresa benefitted from multidisciplinary care at MetroRehab Hospital including occupational therapyphysiotherapyspeech pathology, dietitics, clinical psychology, social work, and music therapy, whilst being under the care of Dr Darren Lee, Rehabilitation Medicine Physician, and supported by Lara Fernandez, Stroke and Neurological Programs Manager, throughout her inpatient and day program journey.

According to Lara, “We were thrilled with each improvement Teresa made—progressing from a 2-person transfer to being able to mobilise independently with a four-wheel walker. Teresa’s Berg Balance score, which measures static and dynamic balance abilities, also improved from 27/56 to 51/56 following the inpatient stay and day program.”

Teresa is now back living at home with her husband and daughter, and credits the entire team at MetroRehab for their carefulness with her care.

“Mum has been so determined to get her old strength back,’’ explained Susan, Teresa’s daughter, ‘’She’s now back doing all her usual activities around the house with barely any support. You definitely wouldn’t think she was 90 years old!”

For more information on MetroRehab’s stroke and neurological programs, please call us on 02 8585 4900, or visit: Sydney Stroke Rehabilitation Centre

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