As part of National Stroke Week 8-14 August, the team at Royal Rehab and MetroRehab Hospital hosted a month-long webinar series dedicated to stroke survivors, carers, families and health professionals.
Titled “Precious Moments” in line with the National Stroke Week theme, the webinar series highlighted the importance of celebrating the precious moments you have with your loved ones no matter where you are on your stroke recovery journey. Hosted virtually, the series included a range of topics that were selected based on feedback from stroke survivors and designed to complement therapies and information provided by their clinical teams.
The topics, designed to educate and empower our stroke community to enjoy life on their recovery journey, included education on support groups and services available, and stories and learnings from other stroke survivors.
This series marks our commitment to empowering our stroke community, health and disability networks and service providers to come together and share tips and learnings in a collaborative effort.

In addition to the webinar series, as part of NSW Stroke Awareness Week 9-11 September, we ran a virtual challenge
in partnership with Stroke Recovery Association NSW called “Reps to Recovery” which encouraged stroke survivors to set personal goals and increase practice to boost their stroke recovery and improve stroke prevention.
To find out more about our stroke programs, contact Royal Rehab Ryde on (02) 9808 9222 or MetroRehab Hospital on (02) 8585 4900 today.