Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

For the benefit of participants, neighbours, and staff, we have a Code of Conduct to help everyone enjoy their stay.

Royal Rehab Private Petersham agrees to:

  • Listen to you and learn about what you want and need and support you to make decisions and choices.
  • Provide the best available supports/services appropriate to your needs, including consulting with you on decisions about how supports/services are provided.
  • Engage others who are important to you (as you wish), and together we will support you to achieve the goals and aspirations you identify.
  • Obtain consent before commencing supports/services.
  • Once agreed, provide supports that meet your needs.
  • Regularly review the provision of supports with you.
  • Communicate openly and honestly and in a timely manner.
  • Treat you with courtesy, dignity, and respect.
  • Treat personal information in a confidential manner and protect your privacy.
  • Keep current and accurate records of supports/services provided.
  • Provide you with information about managing any complaints or disagreements.
  • Listen to your feedback and resolve problems quickly.
  • Give you notice if we must change or cancel a scheduled appointment to provide supports. Where possible, another appointment will be scheduled at a time that is suitable for you.
  • Give you notice if we need to end a Service Level Agreement or cancel a booking.
  • Take reasonable steps to confirm your safety.
  • Provide staff with adequate training to meet your service requests and requirements.
  • Provide supports in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, e.g., National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and rules, and the Australian Consumer Law.
  • Inform you of our role in teaching and training students/new staff members and to ask for your consent where it is proposed that a student/new staff member be involved in your supports/services.
  • Issue regular invoices and statements of the supports delivered.

You agree to:

  • Inform Royal Rehab Private Petersham of how you wish the supports/services to be delivered.
  • Treat Royal Rehab Private Petersham staff and other participants with courtesy and respect.
  • Work with Royal Rehab Private Petersham to put your plan into action; this may include recommendations from your support team.
  • Ask questions if you are unsure about your supports being provided or if you have any concerns.
  • Pay any fees associated with your supports/services promptly (you will be advised of these before the supports/service commences).
  • Give Royal Rehab Private Petersham reasonable notice if you need to end a Service Level Agreement or cancel a booking and follow our Cancellation Policy and Procedures.
  • If applicable, let Royal Rehab Private Petersham know immediately if your NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan or if you stop being a participant in the NDIS.
  • Allow Royal Rehab Private Petersham, at the commencement of supports/services, to work with you to identify any risks that may affect staff, others, or you, and to cooperate with all reasonable actions to minimize negative risk and enhance positive opportunities.
  • Refrain from making noise in your room or in communal areas after 7pm.
  • Refrain from using abusive language or actions.
  • Follow staff direction.
  • Under no circumstances use or be in possession of illicit substances.
  • Be aware that willful damage to property will incur full costs of repair, replacement, cleaning, and staff time.

By agreeing to the terms and conditions, you are agreeing to the Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with the code of conduct will result in your short-term accommodation being terminated.